Dandruff | Seborrheic Dermatitis | Craddle Cap – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes - Mumbai


dandruff treatment mumbai

Are you tired of white skin flakes and an itchy scalp? Then it is time you see your dermatologist. Because skin flakes, itchiness of the scalp, and dry scalp are the symptoms of a severe dandruff problem. In some cases, it might not be that serious and can be avoided by simple anti-dandruff shampoos. But in some cases, dandruff may lead to the development of pimples on the face and other discomforts. So, it is always better to get it treated before the situation gets worse. Dr.Manisha Shaney is an experienced and renowned dermatologist with significant expertise in treating dandruff. She will help you solve your dandruff problem.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp conditions seen in men and women. It is a condition in which the skin on the scalp starts shedding as flakes. The skin flakes are due to the breakneck life cycle of skin cells on the scalp. When the skin cells die too fast, they automatically shed. A fungus known as Malassezia is believed to trigger or cause dandruff.

If you have black-colored hair or are wearing a dark-colored dress, the white skin flakes might be visible in the dark colors. Imagine having your hair or clothing covered with dandruff. Well, that embarrassing. Dandruff may lead to a very itchy and uncomfortable scalp. The whole idea about dandruff may seem simple, but mind you, it is a condition that is very difficult to cure. So, if you have dandruff, it is wise to consult your dermatologist at the earliest.

What causes dandruff?

Dandruff may be caused by several factors like:

  • The fungus called Malassezia globose lives on the oily scalp and triggers the immune system to shed the skin cells.
  • Dry skin in winters: Winters will make your skin all dry and rough.
  • Oily skin
  • Contact dermatitis:
  • Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis
  • Age
  • Gender: Male are more prone to dandruff than females.
  • Weekend immune system

What are the symptoms of dandruff?

The symptoms of dandruff include:

  • Itchiness of scalp
  • Shedding of skin flakes
  • Oily or dry scales on the scalp
  • Pimples on the face
  • Small reddish bumps along the hairline.

Modern advancements in medicine have made dandruff treatments highly effective. At Dr. Manishas Revive Clinic, we offer personalized dandruff treatments tailored to each patient’s unique medical needs, guided by our team of highly qualified professionals led by Dr. Batul Patel. Here's an overview of our comprehensive approach:

Creams and Sprays

Prescription-based cortisone medications are often the first line of treatment for dandruff. These topical treatments, prescribed by a dermatologist, are applied to the affected areas to reduce inflammation and control dandruff. Options include anti-dandruff creams, topical anti-yeast lotions, corticosteroid lotions, and creams.

At Dr. Manishas Revive Clinic, we also use bio oxy spray, which penetrates the dermis to effectively address dandruff. These treatments work by minimizing inflammation and providing significant relief without making the hair look limp. Our patients have experienced remarkable improvements with these customized solutions, carefully prescribed to meet individual needs.


Anti-dandruff shampoos are a key component of effective treatment. The best results come from shampoos recommended by a dermatologist, as they are specifically formulated to target the underlying causes of dandruff. Common ingredients include Pyrithione zinc, Salicylic acid, Selenium sulfide, and Coal tar preparations, as well as natural ingredients like tea tree oil. These ingredients work together to fight fungal infections and reduce scalp dryness and flaking.

We caution against shampoos containing coal tar for those with light-colored hair due to potential discoloration. Patients may need to alternate between shampoos based on what ingredients work best for them. At Dr. Manishas Revive Clinic, we provide personalized recommendations and monitor progress to ensure optimal results.

Oral Medications

In addition to topical treatments, dandruff management may include oral medications. Zinc supplements are often prescribed, as zinc deficiency can contribute to dandruff. The daily zinc requirement varies, with children needing around 2 mg and adults requiring 9–11 mg. Pyrithione zinc, an active ingredient in many anti-dandruff shampoos, is also supported by zinc supplementation to address the condition holistically.

Dandruff Freedom Program

At Dr. Manishas Revive Clinic, our Dandruff Freedom Program combines advanced therapies for a comprehensive solution. This specialized program includes laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, oxygen therapy, and electro modulation system treatment. These treatments enhance blood circulation, stimulate cell metabolism, regulate oil secretion, and rejuvenate hair follicles. Blue narrow spectrum light is particularly effective in cases of seborrheic hair loss.

The program begins with a high-technology single jet infusion of oxygen onto the scalp, followed by a triple jet for deeper dermal infusion, providing instant cell oxygenation. A hair mask composite treatment follows, accompanied by a gold PDT comb with blue light to combat dandruff. The process is completed with the bio oxy spray, delivering a holistic and effective dandruff treatment.

Clinic Timing

Mon-Sun: 10:30A.M.-9:00P.M.